Siturweb, el programa de gestión de Agencias de Viajes. Tu ayuda para la contabilidad
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Management software for Travel Agencies

Manage your travel agency from the web

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A unique programme that gives you customer extranet for you to upload your vouchers, receipts and invoices making them readily available to your customers, completely free of charge. Also, post offers that they will read every time they access.
Offer Generator
The offer generator module allows you to create tailor-made offers for your shop window display or website, without disclosing who the wholesaler is.
Loyalty Points System
Foster loyalty with discount vouchers or gifts for your customers. Earn money with Siturweb without it costing you anymore.
Control Money on Account
Siturweb keeps you informed of the money your customers have deposited in the wallet, for you never to have liquidity issues ever again.
Automated SEPA transfers
This relieves you from having to process the same bank transfers time and time again during high seasons. You can also ask your clients to pay through the POS system on Siturweb.
Group files with maximum capacity
Sell group holidays by individual places, invoice in one single invoice or in several, and add services to each participant.
Siturweb mobile App
Siturweb mobile App. Your customers, providers, single sign on. Siturweb in your hands
Biometric Signature + Remote signature
Now with the Siturweb App, your client can sign any pdf with his finger or remotely, being stored in Siturweb.
Alerts calendar
All your alerts in a single calendar similar to Google or Outlook, fully exportable to other environments.
CRM Module
An agile and simple CRM to sell is possible .
Ticket Bai
Be compliant with Ticket Bai regulations with the leading management software for travel agencies.
To send your invoices to the general administration of the state and to any public body.

And Also...

Recommended by financial consultant

Platform supported by AQSERVICES. Top 1 financial consultant specialized in accounting for travel agencies.

Software needed to open a travel agency.
  Award for Best Business Practices

Siturweb receives in 2014 the prize for best business practices, awarded by ElConfidencial and KPMG

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